Facebook has made a permanent page for Safety Check, its feature for letting others know users are safe during a major crisis.

It’s a little unsettling, but Facebook seems to have built it out in recognition of the terrorist attacks and extreme weather events that happen on an unfortunately regular basis around the world.

The dedicated Safety Check page allows users to check in during emergencies, disasters and conflicts worldwide — giving them a chance to learn what's going on, know who's marked safe and find out about relief efforts, if needed.

Previously, Safety Check only activated for users in a given location, sometimes causing undue alarm by asking individuals to mark themselves safe in a situation where they were not at risk - like a localised, large-scale blaze.

Chelmsford Weekly News:

While it's not a prominent part of Facebook's News Feed, users can find the new Safety Check page in the settings tab near options for other occasionally used features like Pages, Events, and Groups. 

But we found the easiest way to locate it was searching for 'safety check' in the search bar at the top of the page. 

Though it's a shame that Facebook finds events like accidents, terrorism and natural disasters common enough to warrant its own tab, the new Safety Check should hopefully offer users a chance to give their loved ones peace of mind while freeing up essential lines of communication to emergency services.