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Public Notice

Land South East of the Lion Inn, Main Road, Boreham

Land South East of the Lion Inn, Main Road, Boreham

Amendments to the Appeal against the refusal of planning application for the development of up to 200 homes and creation of new publicly accessible open space (all matters reserved)
The Appellant proposes to amend the Appeal Scheme, as follows:
(i) a reduction in the net residential area from 6.1 hectares (a maximum of 200 dwellings) to 5.3 hectares (a maximum of 163 dwellings); and
(ii) an increase in the area of public open space from 8.4 hectares to 9.5 hectares.

 Copies of the amended material for public inspection are available at:
(i) Iceni Projects, Flitcroft House, 114-116 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0JR;
(ii) Chelmsford Civic Centre; and
(iii) Boreham Village Hall.

 Responses should be directed to: Sarah Banwell The Planning Inspectorate Room 3/26 Hawk Wing Temple Quay House 2 The Square, Bristol. BS1 6PN
Email: Quoting Planning Ref: APP/W1525/W/14/3001771

Representations must be received by PINS no later than Friday 31st July.

Published on 02/07/2015